Techgig python code practice solution

Hello TechGig

For this code challenge, you need to read a line from stdin and store it to a variable, print 'Hello Techgig' and then on another line, print the variable's value.

A single line to be taken as input and save it into a variable of your choice.

Input Format

A single line to be taken as input and save it into a variable of your choice. 


1 <  |s| < 10000

Output Format

Print 'Hello Techgig' and then content of the variable on another line. 

Sample TestCase 1


I am coming back to the race.


Hello Techgig

I am coming back to the race.


For the first Line, we are printing the string literal 'Hello Techgig'. On another line, we are printing the content of the variable. To pass all the test cases, you need to print all the content of the variable to stdout.

Solution of python 

def main():
inp = input("Enter the Text") # first we take the input from th user
print("Hello Techgig") # then we print the Hello Techgig
print(inp) # then we print the line of the input

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