Python Global and Local Variable

Local and Global variable 

global local variable

All variables in a program may not be accessible at all locations in that program. This depends on where you have declared a variable. 

The scope of a variable determines the portion of the program where you can access a particular identifier. There are two basic scopes of variables in Python.

  • Local Variable
  • Global Variable

Local Variable 

Variables declared inside a function body is known as Local Variable. These have local access thus these variables cannot be accessed outside the function body in which they are declared.


def abc():
    #local Variable
    print ("value of a is",a)


value of a is 200

Global Variable 

Variable defined outside the function is called Global Variable. The global variable is accessed all over the program thus a global variable has the widest accessibility. 


#global Variable
def abc():
    #local Variable
    print ("Value of a is",a)
    print ("Value of b is",b)
print ("Value of b is",b)


Value of a is 200
Value of b is 100
Value of b is 100

Global Keyword 

In Python, the global keyword allows you to modify the variable outside of the current scope. It is used to create a global variable and make changes to the variable in a local context. 
  • When we create a variable inside a function, it’s local by default. 
  • When we define a variable outside of a function, it’s global by default. You don’t have to use the global keyword. 
  • We use global keyword to read and write a global variable inside a function. 
  • Use of global keyword outside a function has no effect.


def abc():
    #local Variable
    #global Variable using global keyword
    global b
    b = 100
    print ("Value of a is",a)
    print ("Value of b is",b)
print ("Value of b is",b)


Value of a is 200
Value of b is 100
Value of b is 100
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